
Portmagee Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey 0,7 l | alc 40% vol. Limited Edition

Item number Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey

  • Original Irish Whiskey
  • No cold filtering, no artificial colour and no added caramel
  • A blend of selected single malt and single grain Irish whiskey, blended and finished in Barbados rum casks
  • alc. 40% vol
  • 0,7 l
  • No sale of alcohol to minors under 18 years. Age verification is done by DHL age sight check.

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    * Incl. VAT excl. Shipping

    Portmagee Triple Distilled Irish Whiskey

    PORTMAGEE is a whiskey of depth and character, a crafted blending of Single Malt and Single Grain Whiskeys. Irish - through and through. Portmagee Whiskey has universal appeal and offers a true pleasure in every golden sip. Our heritage honours the original families of Seine Boat Fishing Portmagee's Wild Atlantic Seaboard. Our unique character is enriched by finishing in wooden barrels infused with Barbadian rum. This commemorates Captain Thebald Magee, an 18th century adventurer famous for smuggling Spirits from the South back to his Home in Portmagee.

    Portmagee Whiskey a true "Spirit of the Sea"

    • Small Batch Releases.
    • Blended, married and finished in hand filled individually selected barbados rum casks.
    • No chill filtering.
    • Natural colour with no added caramel.
    • An affordable, Premium Irish Whiskey blend with a unique barbados rum cask finish.
    • Appeals to both whiskey beginners and Aficionados alike.

    Product of Ireland.

    Tasting Notes 
    Unique blend of selected Non Age Statement Single Malt and Single Grain Irish Whiskeys blended and finished in Barbados rum casks.

    Nose Slightly malty aroma with warm apple pie, coconut, toasted oak vanilla and toffee apple.

    Taste Creamy butter toffee mouthfeel gave way to a hint of single malt in the middle of the tongue with notes of Irish fruitcake and dark chocolate.

    Finish Warm malt lingers and slowly fades to a smooth and neck-calming Barbados rum finish.